Thursday, February 19, 2009

We Will Not Go Down - Michael Heart Music Video

We Will Not Go Down By Michael Heart. Music Video: Ahmed Alkhawaja An inspiring song written by a heartful artist on the consequences that have been happening lately to the poor palestinians. They...


A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Moga ada manfaat,


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

DUN Perak akan dibubarkan sekali lagi?

Berita Panas: DUN Perak Bakal Di Bubarkan !!

Seperti yang telah dijangkakan awal-awal lagi tindakan BN khususnya Umno menggunakan pintu belakang untuk berkuasa di Perak akan memakan diri sendiri.

Terkini Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir selaku 'menteri besar' Perak digantung daripada menghadiri sidang dewan selama 18 bulan, manakala kesemua enam exconya digantung selama 12 bulan.Beliau dan enam exconya dirujuk ke Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan DUN itu berhubung dakwaan mereka telah menghina DUN apabila mengangkat sumpah jawatan Selasa lalu.

Siasatan berkenaan dijalankan mengikut Perkara 72(3) Perintah Tetap DUN Perak.

Ini bermakna BN telah hilang majoriti di DUN iaitu hanya tinggal 24 kerusi itupun kalau campur 'tiga wakil bebas' yang telahpun diistiharkan melepaskan jawatan oleh speaker dun, S. Sivakumar.

Jika sidang Dun diadakan dengan mudah-mudah je usul untuk membubarkan Dun serta 'undi tidak percaya' pada 'kerajaan baru' diadakan.

Dalam hal ini tidak ada cara lain untuk menyelesaikan kemelut yang direka di Perak selain Sultan Perak kena memikirkan kepentingan rakyat dari segi sosio politik dengan memperkenankan pembubaran dun Perak.

Saya menjangkakan Dun Perak akan dibubarkan dalam tempoh terdekat! Apa perancangan Najib yang seterusnya? Najib sudah pasti tertekan dengan apa yang berlaku lebih-lebih lagi sudah wujud gesaan agar Pak Lah menangguhkan proses penyerahan jawatan PM kepada Najib.

1 - Belum sahih - Dato' Nasa (ADUN Bota) dikhabarkan bakal meletak
jawatan malam ini..!

2 - Belum sahih - ADUN Jelapang pun nak ikut letak jawatan jugak sebab
tak dapat beli sayur dekat pasar..!

3 - Berita SAHIH.! - Setelah mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Hak & Kebebasan
etang ini, Speaker Perak memutuskan supaya MB Halam Dato' Zambry Kadir
digantung 18 bulan manakala 6 ADUN BN yang dilantik sebagi EXCO
digantung 12 bulan & dilarang dari memasuki sidang DUN.

4 - Berita tak sahih - DUN Perak bakal dibubarkan sedikit masa lagi...

Oi..! get ready..!

Kondisi Mayat Setelah 3 jam dikubur..

" ASTAGFIRULLAH...........SUBHANALLAH............ALLAHU AKBAR............"
Sign of Allah: Torture in a tomb Tanda kebesaran Allah / Siksa kubur

On this photo a 18-year old young man who died in one of hospitals of Oman . Di photo ini adalah seorang pemuda berusia 18 tahun yang meninggal di salah satu rumah sakit di oman . The corpse of the boy has been dug out from a tomb in 3 hours after his funeral under the insisting of his father.Mayat pemuda tersebut digali kembali dari kuburnya setelah 3 jam di makamkan yang di saksikan oleh ayahnya. The boy died in hospital and has been buried under the Islamic law and on the same day after obligatory ablution of the body.Pemuda tersebut meninggal dirumah sakit dan setelah di mandikan di makamkan secara islam di hari itu juga . However after funeral the father has doubted of the diagnosis of doctors and wanted to identify the true reason of his death. Tetapi setelah pemakaman ayahnya merasa ragu atas diagnosa dokter dan menginginkan untuk di identifikasi kebenaran penyebab kematianya.

Relatives and his friends shocked when they saw the corpse.Seluruh kerabat dan teman - temannya begitu terkejut saat mereka melihat kondisi mayat
. He was completely different within 3 hours. Mayat tsb begitu berbeda dalam 3 jam. He turned grey as the very old man, dia berubah tampak ke abu - abuan seperti orang yang sudah tua.

with traces of obvious tortures and the most severe beating, Dengan tampak jelas bekas siksaan dan pukulan yang amat keras
and with the broken bones of hands and legs, with the edges broken a, nd pressed into a body. dan dengan tulang - tulang kaki dan tangan yang hancur begitu juga ujung ujungnya sehingga menekan kebadanya.

All His body and face were full of bruise. Seluruh badan dan mukanya memar
. The open eyes-showed hopeless fear and pain.Matanya yang terbuka memerlihatkan ketakutan, kesakitan dan keputusasaan. The blood obviously attributes that the boy has been subjected to the most severe torture. Darah yang begitu jelas menandakan bahwa pemuda tersebut sedang mendapatkan siksaan yang amat berat.

Close relatives of the dead man have addressed to Islamic scientists who have unequivocally declared that it is available results of tomb torture which the Allah (s.w.t) and in the Hadis of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) have warned. Sebagai penutup dari orang yang meninggal tersebut semuanya di tujukan kepada Ilmu pengetahuan tentang Islam yang mana tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi keterngananya bahwa siksa kubur itu benar adanya seperti yang di peringatkan oleh ALLAH SWT dan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

The shocked father of the boy has admitted that his son was spoilt, did not do Solat, and had a carefree way of life, having involved in different sins.

Each died person comes across tests in the tomb for exception Shahids who died in Jihad on the way of Allah. This is first terrible test which the person comes across before the Doomsday.

In Hadis of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w):

- After the death the spirit of died person will return to a body then two Angels will come, Munkar and Nakir, and will ask: "Who is your Lord?" he will answer: "my Lord - Allah ". Then they will ask: "What is your religion?" he will answer: "My religion - Islam". Then they will ask him: "Who that person who has been sent to you?" he will answer: "He is the Prophet of Allah ". Then they will ask him: "How do you know?" He will answer: "I read the Book of Allah and trusted Him.

And then from heavens the voice will come: " My Slave has told the truth, lay it to bed from Paradise and open the Gate of Paradise " - then it will be full of pleasure and he begins to feel paradise pleasure, and his tomb becomes spacious, that eyes can reach.

The Prophet of Allah Muhammad (s.a.w) said about the sinners. After the death the spirit of died person will return to the body then two Angels will come and ask, "Who is your Lord?" he will answer: "I do not know". Then they will ask: " Who that person who has been sent to you?" he again will answer: I "do not know" - and then from the sky the voice will come: "he told a lie, Put him into a box from fire and open before it the Gate of a hell! "-then it will be captured with heat of the hell, and his tomb becomes narrow and the edges will be compressed.

In Hadis it is also said, that Angels will severely beat the sinners during interrogation in the tomb and this torture will be awful. It is informed also, that our Messenger (s.a.w) supplicated to Allah to protect Him from tortures of a tomb and asked other people to do so.

The history of 18-year old young men is a sign for believers and this is only next fairy tale for whom hearts are sealed by Allah. They look and do not see, listen and do not hear?

This story was translated from other language into English. That s why I apologize in advance for mistakes.

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The Holy Quran will be Burnt Next Saturday???

The Holy Quran will be burnt on next Saturday !!!!!!!

Carrefour refused to boycott Israeli/American/ Denmark Products.

KFC ( Kentucky Fried Chicken), McDonalds, Hardees, Burger King, Pizza Hutt & Starbucks have decided to buy Denmark Products to save their losses.

Boycott Denmark Products and Circulate this news to whoever you can!!!!!

Denmark wants to Burn the Holy Quran on next Saturday in the large grounds in Coppenhagen (capital city of Denmark ),in reply to the Islamic Boycott on their products.

Please let's get together to boycott their products, and pray to Allah Almighty to show them the result of their intentions, which will be a lesson for the whole world.

Forward this to as many friends as you can.

Denmark is Loosing

Please don't let this mail stop in your pc.

Assalaam O Alaikum,

Great News

Hope you all know about the Denmark newspaper who made fun of our holy Prophet PBUH and till now they do not regret...let us make them regret for good...The Danish Ambassador, Prime Minister and Denmark National Channel; all are trying to do something just to stop the boycott by Muslims since last month through which their losses have reached 4 billion Euro. If we continue to boycott Denmark products 7 months more it could reach around 80 billion Euro's loss. Believers do not let this message stop in your PC. Please forward this text to as many Muslims as possible ... Can't u spare 15 minutes in order to spread this message among Muslims ...

7up drink, LEGO, Cadbury chocolates, Hall Chewing gums or any product with barcode no. starting with 57 Please convince all Muslims to circulate this to Muslim ummah to ban Danish made products.